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Writer's pictureCoach Mylan

2021 Vision - Goal Setting!

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Well Team, it’s been a heck of a year. From March on it was clear this year was going to be different, and most of us knew this was going to throw a wrench in our plans for 2020. We launched JSTMV in the middle of a pandemic knowing it would be tough - but it has been well worth it!

From building a new community, to fun workouts and the always present ponder at a challenging Question of The Day (still waiting on a few of your favourite vacation destinations) we’ve worked through it all!

As we set our sights on the holidays and beyond, many of us will think about our New Years resolutions for 2021. A fresh start, a new calendar and sunnier days are only a couple weeks away! As you’re sitting down to write down your goals here are a few tips to make sure it sticks:

#1 - Write it down! An idea is just an idea until it’s written down, then it’s a plan. Putting it on paper makes it concrete and more likely to be stuck out.

#2 - Tell someone! Now that your friend/family/insurance agent (I don’t know who you tell your goals to) knows your goal, they’ll be likely to follow up with you about it. Adding in an extra layer of accountability.

#3 - Make sure your goal is SMART:

Specific: Saying “I want to get better” isn’t narrowed down enough to direct your attention. “I want to get in shape” is a step in the right direction but is difficult to gauge progress when the goal is broad. Try and narrow in on what you really want to accomplish next year.

Measurable: “I want to get in shape” is a great starting point, but it is challenging to say whether you accomplished your goal due to the lack of metric around it. “I want to workout 3 days per week” or “I want be able to curl 20 pound dumbbells for 10 reps” would be perfect examples of measurable goals.

Achievable: Before making a goal, ask yourself whether your goal is achievable in the time you’re giving yourself. Are you setting yourself up for failure before you start by assigning yourself an impossible task?

Realistic: Are your goals feasible? For example: “I want workout 3 days per week” versus “I want to workout 2 times a day every day next year”. Training 730 times next year is likely not realistic - even pro athletes take days off!

Time Oriented: Does your goal have a start and end date? “I want to get fitter” could be better phrased as “For the next 12 weeks, I am going to workout 3 days per week”. If you workout 3 days per week for 12 weeks…you will be fitter!

The benefit of making your goals SMART is that if they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Oriented you are much more likely to succeed in your 2021 New Years Resolutions! Now write those down, tell someone and start working towards them!

If you have questions about goal setting, talk to Cam or I at one of your sessions over the next two weeks.

Coach Mylan

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